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* Elaine Tee
* 20 omg!
* Warwick Uni, UK
* camwhore (sometimes) XD
* very lazy =p
* needs to exercise..
* wanna go to the beach!~ Pulau Perhentian!
* will always advise people to enjoy their secondary school life
* OMG Get a job in the UK/ London!br> * wants to go USA for hols

♥ loves

~ shopping
~ pink
~ reading fiction books
~ making people happy
~ glittery stuff
~ macha ice cream
~classical music

♥ wanna say something?

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Stress Exams Stress Exams! =(

OMGGGG *kills self*

Somehow, I can't really study as productively as in the past! must be the age... now starting with a 2 edi. feeling old. + the effect of not studying for the past almost one year! my brain is dusty. -,-

ARGHHHHHHHHH! even for economics, I used to be so confident on economics and now i m feeling so useless in it! omg... if I get like super low grades, I will be such a disappointment to Mr.Mohan. =( I NEED HIS NOTES! but sadly, it's all the way in Msia... in my friend's house. *sniff sniff* hopes it's still surviving well there and hopefully helping it's new owner to SCORE =D

I can't wait for June 10 to arrive and yet i don't want June 1 to come. Bleh, dilemma. Dunno to be happy(going home in less than 4 weeks Woohoo! =D) or sad ( next exam's in less than a week n not much has been covered =( .

I should go back to studying economics. BAH! You can do this Elaine! =)

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Massive update! =)

First year exams:

OK this is a bit late but WOOHOOO! 2 papers down, FIVE more to go. -,- Financial management was relatively alright for me. Hopefully I can score relatively well in it.... *prays* at least a first! =)

HOWEVER, omg.... BSPC was SHIT! pure shit. I don't even know what i was writing on... i just really really really hope i don't fail. =( It was actually very bad. I would have gone back to my room and sulk and probably beat myself up for not taking bspc more seriously. but thank god for Eugene's birthday being the next day = i had things to keep my mind off thinking about me screwing up BSPC. =( but i was jus thinking about it just now, the probability of me actually failing it is so high. It's so scary =(

But anyway, i practically spent my whole afternoon and night doing Eugene's present. was super tired cos i slept very little previous nights studying... Hais the sacrifice i do for my future housemate... *wink eugene* =P

Eugene's Surprise*failed* 21st Birthday:

It was Eugene's 21st Birthday party, hence, the need for something special. =) we had lots of ideas... *mostly from me, haha scheming queen! =P first there were water balloons, then buckets of water, then turning his room upside down, then water with flour, then throwing eggs, ahah! ok i m quite evil. In the end, we settled for throwing water with flour.

So we gathered in Michelle's room around 11.30pm, bitching about Eugene. =P ahha just kidding. Our group has a group skype convo and he was asking where everyone disappeared to. so all of us decided to sign into skype on our phone to 'layan' him, to make it NOT SO OBVIOUS... hhaha! all of us even wished him individually at 12 am...

But anyway, after Kok Din arrived (he overslept -,-), we left for Heronbank! =) and while confirming our plan outside his room, we realized we FORGOTTEN TO BRING THE FLOUR!!! -,- great. On the brighter note, we had Two bucket-ish of water. =)

Anyway, what happened can be seen below! =)

Ready to ambush eugene! =)

The bday boy who was anticipating a surprise. -,- he purposely packed/tidied his room and wore 'nicer' clothings...

Cadbury chocolate cake - not very nice
But see the happy face of eugene's - very nice =)

Group photo!
We were locked out because of this photo. Smart eugene decided not to bring his keys out. In the end, thank god Shalani *who was already sleeping by then* opened the door for us=)

Then, things got exciting hehehe!!!

SUCCESS! the water part was a surprise to him! woohoo! =)

kok din was wet as well, due to the poor aiming of either Landon or Kingston

The only 3 girls always. Eugene always complains he's sad... -,-

His bday present. Hope he likes it <3

=) yay! we have a frisbee to play hehehee!! the hidden motive =P

=) Hardwork!

There were 50 pages in total... @,@

The next day,

We headed to Thai Blue Orchid for lunch. It was recommended by someone *forgotten who* to me and Michelle brought it up as well when we were roaming around Coventry deciding where to eat cause the b'day boy was SO INDECISIVE! =P

We walked there and when we reached the entrance, the door was closed = NOT OPEN! omg...So we were obviously disappointed hungry ppl, just hanging around the entrance deciding where to go next until some random hand from the other side of the door knocked once and disappeared. It was so freaky!!!! o,o We were like omg! did someone just knocked? haha then around 2 mins later the door opened and a person welcomed us.

We were their first customers for the day =) We got full attention from them.. ahha! =) the food there was alright. price was alright as well, ambiance was good *since we were the only customers there* ahha


Group photo with the food! =)

Tom Yum soup with prawns! Omg... i feel like drinking tom yum now =(

Phad thai! love them... the fish was quite nice. it has been SO LONG since i last had steam fish! OMG. so to me it was awesome la <3

Later on, we went to Ikea to spend our vouchers. *too lazy to explain how we got them. the main thing is we bought 50 pounds worth of goods with only 2 pounds <3 hehehe! we bought floor mats for our future house! =)

We had starbucks after that as they were having some frappe promotion.
Happy hour from 3-5pm where all ice blended stuff were on half price! OMG <3

Eugene - the birthday boy treated us =) so nice of him =)
thank you! although the mocha did not taste like mocha but i enjoyed my drink =)

The guys holding the ikea bag.
Landon looks like some pasar malam pirated dvd seller. =P

Our nice group picture for the day! =)

Our epic group picture for the day! <3 this is so funny!


The next exam is in exactly 9 days and this is what I do in the library -,-

P.S Checking out hot guys... instead of studying. -,-


Sushi Buffet at Birmingham! =)

Landon and I have been craving for Jap food and hence, we decided to take a break *needed a reason* to go to Birmingham for sushi buffet <3

We wanted to try out the 10 pounds sushi buffet at Shogun Teppanyaki but when we reached there... ehem, when i saw the sad selection of sushis and super not fresh, small and thin slices of salmon on pathetic looking rice, it was a disappointment la. We actually walked in, sat down, stared at the conveyor belt and then waited for Michelle who went to the toilet before deciding to leave to have our lunch at another Sushi and Noodle Bar called Woktastic. =)

Lucky thing we changed place cos it was much better at Woktastic, the service was definitely better there. Plus, we sat at a strategic position! heheheh! we get to tale everything that was freshly made first! <3 ahhaa it was really funny and like typically msians... taking everything that looks yummy. i think we took like most of the fresher looking salmons and tempura when they first came... =P

I was soooooo fullll at the end of the day. =( like seriously, i wore a clincher and i felt like taking them off to give some space for my expanded tummy. i think i drank about 5-6 glasses of water/ ocha which made me feel soo bloated..

The buffet cost 11.99 but after adding the ocha price, our meal cost us 13.74 pounds. normal buffet price i guess. =) but it was satisfying la. ehhehe!

Love their tempura there! <3 YUM!

ahahah! when the fresh salmon sushis were out... we just kept taking XD
Ican swear we had more than probably 80 plates?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Mother's day, Jia Xin's bday and KY's Presents =)

Last Sunday was Malaysia's Mother's Day!!! I really really miss my parents! <3 and wohhooo, exam's gonna end in less than a month! and i will be returning to Malaysia in 5 weeks! omg everything seems so surreal. I really can't imagine how it is like to live in Malaysia anymore.

Having my mother as my shopping buddy * hehehe not forgetting as the atm machine =p ehhee! is awesome! It's very nice and fun to have my mom as a close friend of mine, give me contructive advices all the time. <3

I am who I am now because of my mother. She was the one who taught me how to do math. I used to be so horrible in them. But after her teachings, in the end i became relatively good and even loved math! =)

Anyway, just wanted to express how much i love my beloved mummy and really hope she is doing well in Msia. I usually make cards for her on Mother's day but since i m in the UK right now, i have to send her an electronic card. and OMG i suck at designing things using comp and hence, the end product was shitty. =(

My sister bought a bouquet of flowers for my mummy deary and i made a 'card' using paint.

My mother said she was lucky she has 2 daughters.. =) Girls FTW! <3 hehehee Guys will probably just call back and wish the mom Happy Mother's Day. -,-

Compare last year's card with......

This Year's. -,- how shitty is this. hais...

But it's the thought that counts i guess.. The next one i make, i promise to myself, it wil be better than this! Gosh... the more i look at it, the uglier it gets =(


Kai yuan's bday present just arrived in the UK from Malaysia!! =) Zhi Yuen prepared all the gift! awww so sweet of him. really love his presents * i m jealous* ahhaha and i think Kai Yuan loves it too! =) very creative of Mr Ng Zhi Yuen to use key chain to write the wishes.

Loving my keychain!!! hehehee!!! <3

Zhi Yuen blurred everyone's background. <3 so niceeee!

Everything prepared by This Awesome Guy! <3


Jia Xin's Bday party!

I am too lazy to explain as i am soooo tired and sleepy right now. =(

But the gist of the party was us hiding in the toilet/ some empty space, waiting for approx 10 mins before she arrived, surprised her in China Red, she was really surprised * yay! * =), had an awesome dinner while chatting away, ate the awesome drucken's bday cake which cost 28.5 pounds... almost the same price as my last awesome Tiramisu b'day cake from Alexis in Malaysia =)

Anyway, had an awesome time with them. Should really thank Brenda for inviting me that i was able to celebrate Jia Xin's bday =)

My homemade card, done with limited resources...

Preparing to hide to surprise the bday girl! =)

must take some pictures while hiding

The oh so cute bday girl! <3

reading her super big bday card

All the girls present <3

And the guys =)

Chilli Chicken - spicy but nice <3

Aubergine with dunno what and gu lou yok!! <3 heheee

duck! but not so tasty...

A must take picture with the birthday girl =)

a nice group photo =)

OMG I got the job as a student mags brand manager. woohoo!!! =) and it's a flexible job = i get to choose the job i want depending on the flexibity of my time. AWESOMENESS. it's 7 pounds/hour! wheee!~

Student mags is a company that gathers clients such as the economist, ft, cosmopolitan, body shop and match them up with students from all universities to help promote the brands above. =) =) =) hehehe happy !!!