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* Elaine Tee * 20 omg! * Warwick Uni, UK * camwhore (sometimes) XD * very lazy =p * needs to exercise.. * wanna go to the beach!~ Pulau Perhentian! * will always advise people to enjoy their secondary school life * OMG Get a job in the UK/ London!br> * wants to go USA for hols ♥ loves~ shopping~ pink ~ reading fiction books ~ making people happy ~ glittery stuff ~ macha ice cream ~classical music ♥ wanna say something?♥ Links
yvonnie mun wai li lynn huei wen benjamin chan kevin lim hui ling siew leng oi leng hong zhang foong vern xian hui stephanie ming wai christabel li kee ♥ memories
November 2007
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Saturday, March 21, 2009
The New Maid
The New maid just ran away this morning... -,-
she worked for us for a month or two, there were no symptoms at all, my parents woke up wondering how come the maid did not send the newspaper up only to realized that she ran away my dad asked the guards they said they did not see her my mom begin to think that the guards are not very good because they do not realize that a maid just ran away when her friend's guard manage to stop a maid from running away just a few months ago. now i have to water the plants, wash my clothes, unless i ask to have a temporary maid before the new maid comes i can't find my mechanics notes i m scared that she either threw them or recycled them shall continue finding them although i already look for dunno how long... today is not my day.
Friday, March 20, 2009
another cousin's wedding dinner! =)
Last sunday, my family attended another cousin(ah keat)'s wedding dinner! it was held at Park Royal Hotel. my cousin n his wife has been dating for a very long time * i think about 8 years* before deciding to get married. the bride's gown had different "jackets" to match with. In the morning was with some feathery outer coat, and for the dinner a scarf like outer coat i think! can't really remember it. XD
The dinner only started at 8.30pm which is very late for a normal wedding dinner, i was practically starving. We had to eat the chocolate cake given as the door gift to feed our empty stomachs. The wedding entrance was nice, the song was very sweet and meaningful but everything was too fast. the bride and bride groom should have walked slower to match with the tempo of the song. XD After that, there was a performance of this guy pouring tea using a kettle with a super long mouth. it was quite cool! there's a video of it, watch it! =) The dinner was ok only, the shark's fin soup was very starchy =( there were only 7 adults and 1 baby sitting at our table so there were lots of food. I ate so much even though i was wearing the super tight at the stomach but not so tight at the boobs tube dress. after dinner, i felt like i was going to burst our of the dress! i was super full. and i put on weight! omg! i look fatter in the dress now compared to the time i wore it during prom.* i think.* * my niece is super uber cute!* *this make up is not as thick as my prom night, prefer it like that* *mummy actually took some roses home* *notice that the cups have lighted ice cubes in them* pics does not do it justice!
Spm results out!
i dun like my connection la! it's like it keeps on cannot connect, any small thing like raining, the port outside spoils and it takes time for tm people to fix it. =(
anyway, Spm results.. i dun think i did really well but i dun think i did really badly too.. to make it sound nice, i got 11 A's. but the not so nice one is that i got 9A1, 2A2 and 1C for chinese(took 12 subjects)! A lot of people asked why did i take chinese. XD I really screwed up for chinese, i believe that i can get a B if i did not fumble that day but yea...things have past... i shall think the bright side, at least i got a credit! haha! i can't believe i got at A1 for my GCE o-level english! i seriously did quite badly for my english essay. i actually contradicted myself in my own essay. in my second paragraph, i wrote a point which was against the topic and in the second last paragraph, i actually used that same point to write the write the pros. -,- gosh! n OMG!!! i can't believe i got A1(SPM) n grade 1(LCCI) for accounting paper! SPM accounting paper was like my first and last accounting test. -,- yes the FIRST AND LAST PAPER! -,-i did not know i attained those grades... on the other hand, i got an A2 for BIO!!!! -,- omg i totally did not see that coming and also dun know why, i dun remember screwing up bio so yea, sending it for remarking. If it comes back saying "Markah anda tetap A2", i guess i did screw up some part for bio without realizing it. Another A2 for Bm, that was ok for me as my Bm always get C in school. OMG Congratulations to everyone who got their Spm results! Special Congrats To JOHN LING(13 A1's), CHOONG HERN(13A1's) AND MEDALYNN TEH(12 A1's)! straight A1's students and also top scorers for our school! Overall, our "gang" did quite well! =D everyone is happy! Except MUN WAI who got like... but still not really satisfied. i pity him too. he took accounting paper but apparently it was sort of not registered! so in his result slip, there were no accounting result.he trying to solve the problem but until now still havent yet... After collecting our results, we went to 1 utama, our usual hangout place for lunch and movie. OMG! we watched Marley and me and i cried quite a lot! it was so sad! i wanna have a dog next time! it's either a shih tzu or a maltese! hehe! =)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Spm results
ahhhh! i m so freaking nervous right now.. it's just now, before this whenever i m at college, i dun think about Spm results at all! Results coming out tomorrow! Gosh! i m super scared for chinese and accounts especially! For chinese paper, i really x1000 times did horribly.. all my ans for paper 2 was wrong. i m so scared i will get a C6 and below.ahhh feeling very screwed right now! and as for accounts paper, i could only balance the first question! so scared! so nervous!
i m really scared of disappointing others like all my school teachers and tuition teachers and my parents. I m also really scared of disappointing myself. it's not like i did not try my hardest to score in the examination...just that i did not do so well.. ok thats not a very good reason.. ah! i m only aiming for 10 A1's n i m already so scared. i wonder how ppl can handle 21 As -,-
Friday, March 6, 2009
maids n hectic friday
My maid is going back to Indonesia tomorrow! quite sad laa... =( i'm so used to her knowing what i like n what i don't like... i'm so used to her finding stuff for me... i'm so used to her preparing dinner for me... i'm so used to her waking me up in the morning... i'm so used to her tidying my stuff for me... i'm so used to her . . . n the list goes on n on.. My new maid was unconscious at about 11.45 pm last night. We found out about 12am, rushed her to the hospital, waited till 2am only came home. According to the doctor, she had allergy but dunno towards what. Her whole body was red and bengkak according to my mom when she saw her lying down in the toilet. n what a coincidence that my dad was outstation. So, my mom, my old maid n me were super scared n nervous... n as my new maid is quite big sized, we had to call our security guard to carry her into my mother's car. what an experience! Anyway, i m super tired today. i skipped Gp lessons in the morning as i couldn't wake up. Then i had lessons until 11.30am. then my malaysian study team discussed about our ms project, then alsco meeting from 1.30 to about 3 pm, then talked to ms ann about dunno what till 4.30pm, then went for a briefing for Sun u Open Day(helping with the campus tour part) then jammed home at 6 pm, then ate dinner at 7pm, then started blogging n looking for new blogskin, then now lo!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Alsco farewell dinner for seniors..
Last Sunday, a farewell dinner was planned for the Alsco seniors at Agefuku Japanese Restaurant. It was a buffet n it was only Rm 38 nett. The food was not bad for the price. Nothing much happened that night. but here's a brief post about it. Most of them are pictures.. hehe!
Everyone arrived at the restaurant at about 7.20 pm. We did not started the night the usual way - Welcome speeches but with Food! Teachers, Seniors and then juniors took their turns to fill their plates with jap food. After settling down, the speeches begin. I wanted to wait till everything went well with the speeches part, so i decided not to eat. I did not expect the speeches to be so long, so by the time it ended, it was already about 8.30p, and i was starving!! when i wanted to take the food, i realized that a lot of food were finished and they haven't refilled it yet, so yea it was quite sad for me. Although i was really hungry, i did not managed to eat much till i was full. guess my stomach was filled with air.. So anyway, after the speeches, they had a game which was balancing a potato chip on your nose then eat it without using your hands to put it into your mouth. Almost every senior tried it but i did not know who made it. after that, they announced the post for the new Alsco... i damn no enthusiasm about being chosen as the new president currently but yes, that night i was like super shock! O.O like how in the world can ELAINE be the PRESIDENT? There were only 3 of us yet to know our post and 1 of us was going to be elected as the new president, so i was like, i know, i get vp, Christabel get vp and then Ainaa get pres. Then they started announcing that christabel got vp, then they said the next vp is..... AINAA, then and there, my jaw seriously dropped! i couldn't believe it! i dunno whether i was happy or sad... this is seriously a change for me as what jon(my ex-president) said. I know a lot of other people were as surprised as me. So, i decided to prove to myself n to them that i can do it. I will not disappoint those the teachers and seniors n members of Alsco. Jon has been so nice as an ex-president to teach me what i should know about Alsco and how to manage it. He is truly a good leader and senior. =)* though he is actually a few days younger than me* anyway, i shall jump straight to the pics... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() * i think i look like her here, must be bcoz of the small eyes* *she looks like she is about my age right?* * she looks so pretty n i look older than her here* ![]() Left : The super nice mentee with me Nickolai! * he looks so funny here!* ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() her new hairstyle is so cute on her! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (he is the super nice and funny guy who love to jokingly say that i lc la after becoming pres) we have to bend down to make him look tall! XD Haha! ![]() he was my photographer for the day- all the picture above |